Yesterday we had two auctions where our competitive bidding methods were a bit lacking. Perhaps only one of them is fit for the non-natural discussion board, but I'm posting them both here anyway
Imps, all red.
So partner opens 2C, "Polish style" showing (11)12-15(16) with 6+ clubs or 5C and 4M. This is our hand:
As responder we have the following options, first round:
- Rdbl = The opponent's can not play an undoubled contract under 2S. Further doubles are for penalties.
- Suit = Non-forcing freebid, about 8-11.
- 2NT = Good club raise.
- Jump = Natural GF.
I thought that the spade suit was too bad for a jump to 3S, so I chose redouble. Perhaps 2S could be an option, but I think the hand is worth a GF.
Now after partner's forcing pass I did not really know what to bid. Here our methods are obviously lacking. Should 2S be forcing? What about 2NT or 3C? I chose to rebid 3NT, which went down one when partner had:
I wouldn't have opened this hand, since I think the range for a 5+ 2C opening needs to be more narrow, but anyway. 4S was the better contract.
So some questions:
1. How do you handle the natural 2C opening in competition? I guess an option could be "business redouble" and simple use system on otherwise, meaning 2D could be a relay etc. Another option could be transfers.
2. What are your agreements after a strength showing redouble, and what would you bid with the hand I held?
And then the second board, with a similar theme:
Imps, all white
1D is natural unbalanced (4+D, longer clubs possible) with 11-19 hcp. 1NT is natural 15-18 and double is for penalties. I doubled with the following hand:
Once again the opponents aren't allowed to play an undoubled contract under 2S. So what should I do? Double would be for penalties. Should a new suit be forcing? What about 2NT? Anyway I chose to bid 3C, and partner bid 3NT. This went down one when partner (once again) had a sub-minimum opening:
Now I think partner should have doubled 2H, since he has chosen to open the bidding and knows I'll be in a difficult spot if he passes. Anyway, what are your agreements in these situations?
Just for fun I'll give you another problem we faced:
Imps, favourable
Once again 1D is natural unbalanced (4+D, may have longer clubs, 11-19), and you hold the following hand:
Not really sure what 4NT would be in this auction, probably ace asking. Double would be optional.
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Some competitive questions
Posted 2017-October-29, 05:10
You might want to adjust your system to what values partner is really opening.
On the first hand, 2S forcing 1 round seems to fit. after their (2H) bid-p-p-?
I suspect that opener should have shown a minimum(sub minimum?) holding
a singleton and 6 clubs. Defending with them holding at least 8-9
hearts is not a good option for your bidding results.
On the second hand, why did partner not X(since X is penalty?) holding KQxx of
hearts? If you cannot X for penalty with KQxx, you should adjust your methods.
On the first hand, 2S forcing 1 round seems to fit. after their (2H) bid-p-p-?
I suspect that opener should have shown a minimum(sub minimum?) holding
a singleton and 6 clubs. Defending with them holding at least 8-9
hearts is not a good option for your bidding results.
On the second hand, why did partner not X(since X is penalty?) holding KQxx of
hearts? If you cannot X for penalty with KQxx, you should adjust your methods.
Posted 2017-October-29, 05:12
Hand 1 I probably wouldn't have opened your partner's hand and I think, if I had, I wouldn't have made the forcing pass, but rebid 3C to show the sub minimum.
Hand 2 I wouldn't have opened your partner's hand and not Xing 2H is unforgivable.
P.S. I don't think you should be worrying about system in these cases, but judgement
Hand 2 I wouldn't have opened your partner's hand and not Xing 2H is unforgivable.
P.S. I don't think you should be worrying about system in these cases, but judgement
"Pass is your friend" - my brother in law - who likes to bid a lot.
Posted 2017-October-29, 05:17
spotlight7, on 2017-October-29, 05:10, said:
... If you cannot X for penalty with KQxx, you should adjust your methods.
Methods are not to blame, partner's eyesight should be looked into
"Pass is your friend" - my brother in law - who likes to bid a lot.
Posted 2017-October-29, 05:51
Just this one sentence alone shows, in my personal opinion, there are problems with your methods: - Rdbl = The opponent's can not play an undoubled contract under 2S. Further doubles are for penalties.
It's no different than 1♠ - Dbl - Redbl and then the opponents retreat into a 2 level contract that you are unsure whether to double or bid your own part score, and sometimes game. Very occasionally you will get a juicy penalty, but on probability the Redbl aspect of the bid can be used more constructively.
It's no different than 1♠ - Dbl - Redbl and then the opponents retreat into a 2 level contract that you are unsure whether to double or bid your own part score, and sometimes game. Very occasionally you will get a juicy penalty, but on probability the Redbl aspect of the bid can be used more constructively.
Posted 2017-October-29, 06:11
A lot of problems can be solved after you make a strength-showing bid in competition (double of a Michaels cue bid, redouble, NT overcall and the like) if you define the next double as takeout. It works well in the examples here.
Now I could double as takeout. If partner passes, great. If not, I can now bid my spades on the next round of the auction to force without overstating the length.
With this hand partner would already have doubled for takeout. Then I can jump to 3S to show a 5-card suit and FG (consistent with our Lebensohl agreements, but you may have other agreements that would work here as well). I do like the 2C opening though.
Basically, we treat the 2C opening the same we do a one-level opening. Redouble is strong, new suits non-forcing at the two-level, jumps show a fit. If the overcall, suits are forcing and double is negative. And the next double after a redouble is takeout, although we do it with some length in their suit to allow partner to pass for penalties.
As before, I would double for takeout with your hand, and pass for penalties with partner's hand. I'm not as rapt with opening this hand, although there are certainly times and opponents where I would.
If I can't bid 4NT for the minors, then pass. I actually can't in my Polish Club partnership even though 4NT wouldn't be a key-card ask, since 4NT would show hearts and a minor. This works well if you actually have a heart fit, but not so well on this hand. The trick is to pass smoothly so that partner has a chance to act without constraint if their hand warrants it.
Kungsgeten, on 2017-October-29, 04:23, said:
Imps, all red.
So partner opens 2C, "Polish style" showing (11)12-15(16) with 6+ clubs or 5C and 4M. This is our hand:
So partner opens 2C, "Polish style" showing (11)12-15(16) with 6+ clubs or 5C and 4M. This is our hand:
Now I could double as takeout. If partner passes, great. If not, I can now bid my spades on the next round of the auction to force without overstating the length.
I wouldn't have opened this hand, since I think the range for a 5+ 2C opening needs to be more narrow, but anyway. 4S was the better contract.
I wouldn't have opened this hand, since I think the range for a 5+ 2C opening needs to be more narrow, but anyway. 4S was the better contract.
With this hand partner would already have doubled for takeout. Then I can jump to 3S to show a 5-card suit and FG (consistent with our Lebensohl agreements, but you may have other agreements that would work here as well). I do like the 2C opening though.
So some questions:
1. How do you handle the natural 2C opening in competition? I guess an option could be "business redouble" and simple use system on otherwise, meaning 2D could be a relay etc. Another option could be transfers.
2. What are your agreements after a strength showing redouble, and what would you bid with the hand I held?
1. How do you handle the natural 2C opening in competition? I guess an option could be "business redouble" and simple use system on otherwise, meaning 2D could be a relay etc. Another option could be transfers.
2. What are your agreements after a strength showing redouble, and what would you bid with the hand I held?
Basically, we treat the 2C opening the same we do a one-level opening. Redouble is strong, new suits non-forcing at the two-level, jumps show a fit. If the overcall, suits are forcing and double is negative. And the next double after a redouble is takeout, although we do it with some length in their suit to allow partner to pass for penalties.
And then the second board, with a similar theme:
Imps, all white
1D is natural unbalanced (4+D, longer clubs possible) with 11-19 hcp. 1NT is natural 15-18 and double is for penalties. I doubled with the following hand:
Once again the opponents aren't allowed to play an undoubled contract under 2S. So what should I do? Double would be for penalties. Should a new suit be forcing? What about 2NT? Anyway I chose to bid 3C, and partner bid 3NT. This went down one when partner (once again) had a sub-minimum opening:
Now I think partner should have doubled 2H, since he has chosen to open the bidding and knows I'll be in a difficult spot if he passes. Anyway, what are your agreements in these situations?
Imps, all white
1D is natural unbalanced (4+D, longer clubs possible) with 11-19 hcp. 1NT is natural 15-18 and double is for penalties. I doubled with the following hand:
Once again the opponents aren't allowed to play an undoubled contract under 2S. So what should I do? Double would be for penalties. Should a new suit be forcing? What about 2NT? Anyway I chose to bid 3C, and partner bid 3NT. This went down one when partner (once again) had a sub-minimum opening:
Now I think partner should have doubled 2H, since he has chosen to open the bidding and knows I'll be in a difficult spot if he passes. Anyway, what are your agreements in these situations?
As before, I would double for takeout with your hand, and pass for penalties with partner's hand. I'm not as rapt with opening this hand, although there are certainly times and opponents where I would.
Just for fun I'll give you another problem we faced:
Imps, favourable
Once again 1D is natural unbalanced (4+D, may have longer clubs, 11-19), and you hold the following hand:
Not really sure what 4NT would be in this auction, probably ace asking. Double would be optional.
Imps, favourable
Once again 1D is natural unbalanced (4+D, may have longer clubs, 11-19), and you hold the following hand:
Not really sure what 4NT would be in this auction, probably ace asking. Double would be optional.
If I can't bid 4NT for the minors, then pass. I actually can't in my Polish Club partnership even though 4NT wouldn't be a key-card ask, since 4NT would show hearts and a minor. This works well if you actually have a heart fit, but not so well on this hand. The trick is to pass smoothly so that partner has a chance to act without constraint if their hand warrants it.
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