pran, on 2017-January-11, 11:05, said:
You cannot compare pass when a double would be negative and pass when a double would be for takeout (over an opening bid). They are two different "kettles of fish"
My point has always been that pass in a position where a double would be negative can show, but not necessarily does show values justifying a penalty double.
I don't know of any "natural" system where pass when a double would be for takeout can show values.
WellSpyder, on 2017-January-12, 03:30, said:
I think this is the sentence where you seem to be parting company with the rest of us, pran. (I say "seem to", because I don't really believe you play things that differently from the rest of us.) To me, it is absolutely normal when you have a hand that wants to make a penalty double in a position where double would be for to takeout to pass instead, planning to pass again if partner is able to make a takeout double. Since you won't normally what to make a penalty double unless you have values, it follows that in any normal "natural" system, a pass where double would be for takeout can indeed have significant values if you want to take a penalty. You seem to be suggesting that this only applies in the "negative" double position after opponents have overcalled partner's opening bid, but for most of us I think it applies in more or less any takeout double position.
Sorry, I was inaccurate by not repeating "over an opening bid" in my last sentence but I really thought this was obvious from the context.
Can you show an example where second hand pass after an opening bid may suggest partner (fourth hand) to double for penalties based on values
in second hand?
♥ - PASS - PASS - ???
I would expect a double here to be "balancing" (with some values) primarily intended as takeout and not for penalty?