Windows client retirement feedback thread
Posted 2016-November-17, 09:15
Im a bit confused.
What happens with the users (like me) who have bought Bridge Master and other stuff on the windows bbo edition.
Will you compensate and send the CDs to us - now that we can't play and read the thing we paid for?
Posted 2016-November-18, 12:26
tk1430, on 2016-November-17, 09:15, said:
Im a bit confused.
What happens with the users (like me) who have bought Bridge Master and other stuff on the windows bbo edition.
Will you compensate and send the CDs to us - now that we can't play and read the thing we paid for?
You're the third person to ask this in this thread (including me). No response so far...
Posted 2016-November-19, 12:10
Currently we are leaning towards leaving people enabled for software alone in the old client. In the future (and I don't mean Feb 2017, but after that), old client may eventually not serve any more games, but software access could be left.
I don't know for sure, and I think even Uday or Fred don't know for sure because our only concrete plan right now is to move a batch of BBOers over in Feb 2017. It may be that we'll port the games to web client for access, the same way we ported Bridge Master, and if this was the eventual decision we'll make sure we take care of everyone who purchased the online type software from us. (Btw anyone who had bought Bridge Master via old client and has now switched to new client just has to ask and we'll add BB$ for use in the new rental system. We've been doing this since 2013 when BM was ported over.) I don't think sending a CD is as likely.
John Nelson.
Posted 2016-November-25, 22:14
Posted 2016-November-27, 05:20
Posted 2016-December-03, 10:23
Would it be possible to add some features that lack in the browser version?
- changing the color of the chat in the chatbox when the person disconnects;
- indicating the declarer not by North, East, South or West, but by the nick;
- see who is kibbing simply by moving the mouse over the kibbers box;
- leaving the possibility to look into programmed tournaments for at at least 10 hours ahead?
And there are some other things I probably forget right now.
The new version is, for me, less user friendly, but probably necessary for you to be able to add more advertisement?
On my Mac I created a Windows platform exclusively to be able to continue using the BBO download version...
A sad, sad story that it will be over now....
Posted 2016-December-03, 18:37
Generally I much prefer the Windows version. I find it loads faster, it's card movement and clarity is greatly to be preferred and it's sounds superior. Also, when kibbing or watching vugraph I can just click once on GiB, if I wish, to see how it views the hands.
Posted 2016-December-04, 23:55
choccy, on 2016-December-03, 18:37, said:
Nothing about the Windows version has changed.
Did you upgrade your OS recently? Maybe the permissions on the folder where the deals are logged were changed.
If you've purchased robots, or played in any pay tourneys recently, you get the GIB button when kibbing.
Posted 2016-December-07, 10:41
Posted 2016-December-07, 12:35
Some time ago there was suggestion to include a button of par-score near GIB under the results. That would be very helpfull to non-expert players.
Posted 2016-December-08, 11:10
onoway, on 2016-December-07, 10:41, said:
Whenever we make changes to the server, we have to make sure they're compatible with all the clients. Right now we have the Windows client, the Flash client, and the mobile client. As we move to HTML5, that will be 4 clients. If we can phase out the Windows client, that's less we have to deal with as we work on the next version.
We also have different server infrastructure for each type of client.
Posted 2016-December-14, 00:48
Posted 2016-December-14, 02:35
Maybe we should create a kind of FAQ for hosts and directors where we can concentrate any information that is available about directing (video, slideshow, questions whatever). The earlier the TDs switch to the browser the better.
Posted 2016-December-15, 07:34
Of course, on web there is also no way to communicate with the membership to ask in the first place. Many people prefer to offer when they know there is a need rather than register and hang around on the off chance they will get to play. If I am not mistaken, the sub issue was the straw that led to her decision when she had invited various random subs with no success, had to log off and come back on download to ask for subs from the membership. Then she quickly got offers, but the whole effort to find subs for sitouts used up nearly 10 minutes. Way too stressful.
This all random subs also tends to give you a lot more runners, unpleasant people etc. who then create a need for more subs. Incidentally, the tourney completion rate seems a very good idea but in fact is possibly of limited usefulness, I ran an open tourney set at 90 % a few weeks ago and had to find so many subs ( I'd guess well over a dozen and the tourney wasn't that big) that I ran out, and I have played in open tourneys that the directors have pleaded for patience because they had no subs, so even those constraints or lack thereof don't solve the problem.
Many times it has been very useful being able to quickly communicate with members who have recently logged in, I find " quickly communicate" doesn't happen on the web version. It doesn't take that much longer but it does seem to take longer, possibly again because of having the two chat boxes, for reasons which totally escape me as it most certainly doesn't stop messages from being missent and just clutters up the screen.
Posted 2016-December-16, 13:37
BUT, all students using web will see that trny only 2 hrs before its start, certainly not a week ahead as it was the plan. I guess it's just another + for good ole' client and a minus for a web.
onoway, on 2016-December-14, 00:48, said:
I am one of IAC TDs, trained by Onoway in old version. But, as a 'new' member of BBO, I've never gained "addiction" to old windows client, and I tried both versions. For running IAC trnys I actually use BOTH, as I find web better in most for exception of asking for sub within a club, which is impossible in web.
It's very bad that IAC, or BBO overall, will lose a competent TD

Posted 2016-December-16, 19:03
Curls77, on 2016-December-16, 13:37, said:
BUT, all students using web will see that trny only 2 hrs before its start, certainly not a week ahead as it was the plan. I guess it's just another + for good ole' client and a minus for a web.
As the aforementioned teacher, Sanya, I hear you and I agree that it's a shame that the Browser Client doesn't give access to Tourneys further ahead. I suspect that's an easy enough fix in the long term, though. I've been a member of BBO for a long time now and definitely prefer using the Windows Client (probably because I'm more used to it). I tend to watch VuGraph on the Browser Client, though (for the voice support when it's available). I occasionally force myself to play using the web version (acclimatisation LOL) but I do find it awkward and clumsy compared to the Windows Client.
The main items on my wishlist all relate to teaching and helping to run a Private Club, however, rather than playing:
(1) I currently teach mostly using text chat rather than voice, because I can easily save the Chat Log of each Teaching Session and make it available on my own website for people who missed the lesson, for whatever reason. That functionality doesn't appear to be possible using the Browser Client.
(2) When I am setting up the Teaching Table as OliverC, I can log in simultaneously as bbo_iac in order to do announcements to Club Members without having to close down the teaching Table (which I generally open up quite some time before the lesson starts). I don't think the Browser Client will allow me to do announcements to the Club at all, let alone logged in simultaneously as 2 different ID's.
(3) When Teaching, I load pre-dealt example hands to run through the bidding, and then a separate set for Bidding/Play Practice at the end of the Teaching bit. I know it's possible to accomplish this (to some extent, anyway) with the Windows Client, but it's so convoluted and awkward a process that I gave it up last time I tried (as an experiment), and even now, I'm not sure I could reliably find my way through the maze of options to upload my choice of deals and then pick which ones I want to use in real time in the order in which I decide to use them, something that is trivially easy with the Windows Client.
(4) Losing battle coming up LOL: I teach an off-the-wall version of Super-Precision (OCP) and to help people to learn the system we've developed, over the years I've been teaching it, a set of very large Full Disclosure cards (about 12 in all, all of them near the 1Mb limit) that help people to grasp the system and learn it. Long term I try to persuade people to abandon FD, or at least to turn it "off" for themselves but it's indispensable for them during their early months with OCP. It's a shame that there's no support in the Browser Client for Full Disclosure (eg: editing the files or loading specific ones for use in a given situation with a given partner).
(5) Better support in the Browser Client for people who run Private (and Public) Clubs on BBO is a must, I feel. As someone else pointed out further up this thread, there are hundreds if not thousands of people who have learned to play Bridge on BBO and developed their skills in Private Teaching Clubs such as BIL, IAC etc. As it currently stands, turning off the Windows Client will be the death knell for Private Clubs, which would be a great shame.
Having said all of that, I do appreciate all of the work that Fred, Uday and the rest of the team put into BBO, and the literally priceless facilities that are available on the system for free (let alone the additional ones available for a trivially small price). When Jason Hackett and I were developing the system I teach back in the 1980's I'd have sold my mother for a Partnership Bidding Table such as BBO offers for nothing. If ditching the Windows Client is the way they feel they have to go, then so be it.
Posted 2016-December-21, 01:11
I teach Bridge, mostly offline but sometimes online as well. I have hundreds of LIN files that have been taken and edited to make "Learn to Play Bridge" software styled Book/Chapter/Lesson styled menu and presentations using features of the LIN scripting language. For making these LIN files, for me, the windows client is absolutely essential. The client provides the MOVIE feature where by each deal can be constructed and saved for further editing to make interactive presentations. A feature provided in the Flash browser version to migrate LIN files is a joke, it does not work for lesson presentations. I had posted a bug report on a separate forum for that, some Yellow ids tried to help there, but they too gave up saying Fred knows best. If the Windows client is being discontinued, it would be good if a "downgraded" client can be made available where LIN movie editing can be done without a net connection (at the moment it needs a login). There was a nuts and bolts LIN presentation creator for Windows earlier, can someone post a link to it to help out folks like me to go forward?
Secondly, one singularly helpful feature in Windows client is the "Save all chat" and "Save played deals" feature. I could use the first to make notes from online discussions to send to students, the second feature could be used for editing the played deals and send in self teaching lessons with interactive questions on areas where the student should have applied more thought. Both these could be used without any need for being online. There is nothing even close to these features in the Flash browser version. Chat rooms were also a good feature.
I used to direct tournaments using Windows client, however I tried my hand with the browser version and found that some of the nifty features in the Windows client made life so easy for TDs.
A strange "feature" (read bug) that I noticed was that if you are in a teaching room, your student is in browser client and you load a LIN file with a prepared deal, the deal which the student sees is completely different. I do not know if this is because I used 64-bit Windows and the Windows client software loading the deal was 32-bit, didnt have time to investigate, it is perhaps due to that. If both student and teacher used Windows client, there was no issue.
Posted 2016-December-29, 20:20
Would it be possible to address the following points in the web version, before asking us to switch to it?
1. For me the biggest negative about the web version is that I cannot see the lobby. With the windows client, I could see everyone and hence look at their profile, even if they were not playing at a table. This is very important to me as I only play one system (Acol with 4 card openings whereas the default system on BBO is a 5 card system) and it is difficult for me to find a partner on BBO who plays Acol when the Acol club is not in operation. Most Acol players are based in the UK and the time difference means that usually the Acol club is not in operation when I am logged in. Besides, many Acol players do not even play in the Acol club. The only way for me to find potential partners is to look at their profiles in the lobby.
2. When kibitzing, I cannot see who else is kibitzing, in case I want to chat with them.
3. The web version does not seem to save hands I have played onto my hard drive like the Windows client does. Is there something I am missing here?
4. When a friend logs out there is no indication, such as a colour change in the chat.
5. It takes much longer to log in using the web version, while it loads. This is a disadvantage if one is disconnected during a tournament, as the longer time means one is often replaced by the time one returns.
Judging by other comments, I am not convinced of the need to switch, but if we really must, I would appreciate it if the above features could be incorporated into the web version, especially the first 3 mentioned. These are very important to me in my enjoyment of online bridge so it would be highly appreciated if the removal of the Windows version could be delayed until they are sorted out.
Posted 2016-December-30, 09:46
filosofos, on 2016-December-29, 20:20, said:
Would it be possible to address the following points in the web version, before asking us to switch to it?
1. For me the biggest negative about the web version is that I cannot see the lobby. With the windows client, I could see everyone and hence look at their profile, even if they were not playing at a table. This is very important to me as I only play one system (Acol with 4 card openings whereas the default system on BBO is a 5 card system) and it is difficult for me to find a partner on BBO who plays Acol when the Acol club is not in operation. Most Acol players are based in the UK and the time difference means that usually the Acol club is not in operation when I am logged in. Besides, many Acol players do not even play in the Acol club. The only way for me to find potential partners is to look at their profiles in the lobby.
This isn't likely to happen. One of the main design differences in the web version is that it significantly reduces the amount of traffic between the server and client. Starting up the Windows version takes a while because the server has to send all the players to the client, and then it constantly notifies the client of all logins and logouts so it can keep its list up to date. We consciously removed all this in the web version, and we're not going to put it back.
There are thousands of players in the lobby, can you really effectively scan it looking for players with something specific in their profiles?
Select "Who's Online" from the tab on the right, then "Kibitzers" from the tab at the top.
No, you're not missing anything. Flash doesn't allow applications to write files to disk by themselves, only by going through a File-save dialogue.
The web version allows you to save hands online. It's not automatic like the Windows version, you have to save specific hands. See http://www.bridgebas...nd_records.html for how to do it.
True. I've often replied to a chat message, and it ended up being sent as mail because they'd just logged out.
Logging into the web version usually takes a second or two. It's certainly faster than waiting for the Windows version to load the player list. It shouldn't take long to load, as the browser usually has it cached, except for the first time after we deploy an update.
Posted 2016-December-30, 12:59
barmar, on 2016-December-30, 09:46, said:
There are thousands of players in the lobby, can you really effectively scan it looking for players with something specific in their profiles?
A good filter could improve that for sure but at least it is possible to find someone which is not possible in the browser version.
I understand very well that the system traffic caused by doing it for each player and always is a big stress for the system. But why not offer it as an on demand filter function at some places? This would be a big improvement for the table lists or the lobby. Please think about if you could implement something like that with the next BBO generation. I am sure a lot of players would benefit not only ACOL players. It is easy to find a partner for 2/1 standard without search functionality, but much harder when you want to play a less popular system and carding. Making friends on BBO is only possible when you are able to find them in the haystack.