As I said, 6♣ by East. I was South, my best lead would have been a trump: in fact I led A♠ but switched to a trump once I saw dummy. But assume a trump lead.
Declarer wins in dummy, ruffs a low diamond, back to A♥ and another diamond ruff; ruff a heart and a third diamond ruff (with the Q) - bringing down the Ace. Now back to dummy with a trump to the J, and the three diamonds provide discards for the heart losers and a spade. Declarer can now give up a spade trick but still has A♣ and twelve tricks are home.
Nothing whatever the defence can do against this line. I suppose South could throw K♥ under the Ace, suggesting that they might ruff the second heart with the 9♣ and kill one of dummy's entries. But is East really going to be persuaded that the hearts are 7-1?
I wish I'd been East, on this deal! Hats off to my opponent for finding the right line, when no-one else did....