No agreements on what partner's transfer completed to 2♥ shows.
Posted 2015-December-07, 16:14
No agreements on what partner's transfer completed to 2♥ shows.
Posted 2015-December-07, 17:09
I will ask what the 3♥ bid means but it probably won't affect my decision. Won't affect the lead either, unless it turns out they had a misunderstanding so probably neither of them have a heart stopper.
Posted 2015-December-07, 19:45
They doubled 1 NT, so the transfer to ♥ is forced on any hand where you're unwilling to play 1 NTx and have a decided preference to play in ♥. It promises nothing else.
Once they voluntarily bid 3 NT, partner should know you've got to be virtually without points. So partner's double must be made with some reasonable expectation of beating 3 NT in his own hand. If partner didn't want to let them play 3 NT, then a raise to 4 ♥ could have been made or some other suit bid. It wouldn't be unusual for partner to hold something like ♠ AJx ♥ xxx ♦ Ax ♣ KQJ10x where 3 NT always goes down unless they can score 8 ♦ tricks and a ♣ off the top.
As a rule, it's almost never right to save partner when partner does something unusual. Trust partner! They may have a really good reason for doing what they are doing.
Finally, if 3 NTx doesn't work out, it's not your problem. You didn't make the double and never promised anything with your bidding. It's much better to discuss the double than try to explain going for a number in 4 ♥ when 3 NT can't make.
Posted 2015-December-07, 22:17
Posted 2015-December-08, 01:29
Posted 2015-December-08, 03:51
I lead a heart, but the suit blocks and I have no entry to cash out. Partner had KJT, opps were Ax / Qx
That didn't matter in the end, because opps had long clubs and made without losing the lead, but I wondered whether I should have foreseen the danger and done something.
Posted 2015-December-08, 04:31
Posted 2015-December-08, 09:49
Anyway, pass
Also, I would think P's X asks for a diamond lead.
Posted 2015-December-08, 10:20
Jinksy, on 2015-December-08, 09:49, said:
Anyway, pass
Also, I would think P's X asks for a diamond lead.
Well this was a random partner (star, but random). With opps opening 1D and no agreements on what XX or a direct 2H by me would mean, it seemed that 2D as a transfer was the most practical call that would avoid a misunderstanding.
Helene also hinted that she would lead a diamond. I thought X was asking for "our suit" there, confirming the heart fit and entries.
Posted 2015-December-08, 13:18
Posted 2015-December-08, 18:39
Jinksy, on 2015-December-08, 09:49, said:
Anyway, pass
Also, I would think P's X asks for a diamond lead.
That's what I thought. Aren't we always leading a heart? The double should ask for a lead of another suit.
Posted 2015-December-08, 18:42
Posted 2015-December-09, 03:05
diana_eva, on 2015-December-08, 03:51, said:
I lead a heart, but the suit blocks and I have no entry to cash out. Partner had KJT, opps were Ax / Qx
That didn't matter in the end, because opps had long clubs and made without losing the lead, but I wondered whether I should have foreseen the danger and done something.
helene_t, on 2015-December-08, 18:42, said:
I disagree.
Here there are some basic agreements for sure because North is a bbo star.
BBO star player must be expert ,as a expert, after 2♦ - X - 2♥,the exact meanings of 2♥ should be exact 3-card ♥ support with exact better defensive cards in ♦.Even final double is not necessarily best,it showed cooperative double at least. Actually these are common sense of expert approach.
I can't get that hand, would you post that hand ? (of course delete usenames of hand.)
Let's better to understand BBO star - expert.
Posted 2015-December-09, 08:34
helene_t, on 2015-December-08, 18:42, said:
I thought 2H shows a heart fit - and it did, but I mentioned it wasn't discussed because we were both just guessing.
I also thought X asks for a heart lead, not an unusual lead. I think that is what partner meant too.
Overall it was a good game and a good partner. I didn't post this as a star bashing topic, I genuinely wanted to know whether there were some meta-agreements at high level, like "this is a cooperative X so you can pull it if unsure" or some such.
Posted 2015-December-09, 13:33
diana_eva, on 2015-December-09, 08:34, said:
Sure. My comment was mostly diana-bashing
Posted 2015-December-09, 18:38
I would lead the
club T
P did not super accept our transfer and did not xx 2d so these leads seem wrong and surely p would not bid this way with long good spades so thank goodness I have a club to lead.
Hoping to find p with Qxx QJ Axx KQJ9x or some such. P may also have a hand type that can stand a club lead xxx KQJx QJx AKx and still be able to make a timely heart switch.
The above reflects my meta thinking but playing with a partner w/o prior discussion is it best to think everyone plays this way or merely go with the idea that occurs with greater frequency?? Intriguing problem. Note that there is no thought given to pulling the x since p should realize we are broke.
Posted 2015-December-10, 03:56
a) 2♦ is an xfer here undiscussed with a competent pickup partner,
b) 2♦ should be an xfer here after discussion
Posted 2015-December-10, 05:37
b) no, playing strong notrump I prefer system on after double but off after our overcall (regardless of whether they double or not)