PhantomSac, on 2015-November-17, 00:37, said:
Yeah if you hadn't shown heart shortness I'd lead the HJ since they might need to cover if our hand was different (5224 with the CK?). At least there is some chance. Anyways I am not sure if this is legit but LHO with H+D length would be more likely to bid with the HK than the CK (eg, x Kxxxx KQJxx xx might michaels or bid 2H, but x xxxxx KQJxx Kx wouldn't?), so I'd probably take the club hook after trying to ruff out Kx of hearts. But yeah it's basically 50-50.
Provided you give opponents time to think at trick one and don't shotgun ♥J at trick two, it's probably safe to finesse when LHO hesitates and then plays low. If the finesse loses after LHO's performance, a good director is likely to protect you.