Posted 2015-June-11, 09:10
Why does anyone feel the need to be in slam?
I think that in a decent field the majority of the field would end up in the normal, and optimal, contract of 3N. Some aggressive pairs would reach 6♣ from North, almost certainly having telegraphed a heart lead, and thus reaching a contract that will fail well over half the time.
In my partnerships I would hope the auction went 1♣ 1♦ 2N 3N
On an aggressive day, S would transfer via 3♠ over 2N, since we play transfers here. 3♠ would show clubs, with the values for a mild slam try or better...with better,S can bid again over a 3N signoff. Were S to so this, and I don't think he should, then we'd get to slam since N has great trumps, great diamonds (for a club slam) and a maximum with controls.
I think S should content himself with 3N because his clubs are short and weak, total hcp are going to be borderline at best, and the spade shortage may well be wasted opposite a strong balanced hand with (ostensibly) values in both major.
6♣ wouldn't be the worst slam my partnerships have reached, but I think it one we should, usually, manage to avoid.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari