Bid again?
Posted 2014-February-16, 01:21
You hold:
The bidding:
Do you take another call?
Posted 2014-February-16, 02:22
Posted 2014-February-16, 02:32
Posted 2014-February-16, 08:49
Posted 2014-February-16, 10:28
5C should imply Diamond control, since Diamond worry has been suggested by partner and I would pass 4S with XX there. We both know there is a diamond loser and hopefully Pard will continue to six only with the nuts in Trump. If instead, my opener were QXXX AKXXXX X KX. I would have just bid 6S over 4S.
Posted 2014-February-16, 11:05
*** What other strong options besides 3S?
What shows solid 6xH? No Spade top? Only 1x Ace? Shapely game force/no slammy?
... I have a take control slam try over 1S. So by the 4-level I know S-tops + Aces missing or held.
Easy decision with that underpinning. I didn't use that so surely partner is only Q-bidding because HE has a slammy hand.
I have D-single, so yes 5C to imply it. (Also 1'd have Q-bid 4D, not 4H in case that's the control partner misses)
Posted 2014-February-16, 11:24
Posted 2014-February-16, 14:16
cherdano, on 2014-February-16, 11:24, said:
At risk of repeating: AKQXX XX XXX AXX would be fine. And I expect partner to know AKXXX XX XXX AQX would not be fine because I would have already bid six over four with QXXX AKXXXX X KX.
There is a presumption that she was uncontrolled in Diamonds when she cued and then subsided after 4H.
Posted 2014-February-16, 15:56
aguahombre, on 2014-February-16, 14:16, said:
Partner would bid 5♠ with that. We made a jump raise and cooperated with a slam try, the 5-level is safe, and he knows we have a problem with terrible trumps.
Posted 2014-February-16, 16:02
aguahombre, on 2014-February-16, 14:16, said:
Nope.Ppartner might have a slam try where he needs us to hold some high cards for our 3♠ jupm. ♠AQxx xx KJx AQxx should bid what over 3♠?
Posted 2014-February-16, 16:13
cherdano, on 2014-February-16, 16:02, said:
I was assuming Responder and I were playing a limited opening bid style where my opening hand would jump raise to 3S, and that Responder would simply bid 4S with your example knowing that there was wastage somewhere in the minors.
That assumption was based on the fact that I had in fact jump raised to 3S. Also, if as in your example, Responder might only have 4 spades, this opener evaluates to about a good 14 in support of spades...not quite a 3S raise, IMO.
Posted 2014-February-16, 17:13
ArtK78, on 2014-February-16, 08:49, said:
Ok, so say we had this instead:
The bidding goes
I believed in the past that a narrow delimited hand like 3♠ bidder was not ever asked to reevaluate, that meant that 4♠ was a direct asking about control in the last suit, however I no longer think along those lines and 4♠ is just an I can't go to the 5 level myself.
Posted 2014-February-16, 17:34
top 3 trumps (it makes zero sense as natural since opener is at least
4522 and counting distribution to make the 3s bid) if opener did not think
their hand was good enough to take over the bidding (knowing all side suits
were controlled) and bid 4n after the 4c bid, nothing has happened that should
change opener's mind since we have zero idea why responder decided to sign off.
Pass (and adopt 3n as showing at least 2 of the top 3 trump honors so we don't go
slamming about on gross opposite gross trumps)
Posted 2014-February-16, 17:38
aguahombre, on 2014-February-16, 16:13, said:
That assumption was based on the fact that I had in fact jump raised to 3S. Also, if as in your example, Responder might only have 4 spades, this opener evaluates to about a good 14 in support of spades...not quite a 3S raise, IMO.
So based on one judgement call that you disagree with in a standard system, you assume that OP is playing a completely non-standard system and didn't tell us about.

Well, at least noone will have to read replies to your posts from me anymore in the future.
Posted 2014-February-16, 19:51
aguahombre, on 2014-February-16, 16:13, said:
That assumption was based on the fact that I had in fact jump raised to 3S. Also, if as in your example, Responder might only have 4 spades, this opener evaluates to about a good 14 in support of spades...not quite a 3S raise, IMO.
I gave you the parameters in the opening post. Light opening system - open all 10 counts at nonvul 1st & 2nd position.
No other parameters were specified. I assumed (perhaps optimistically) that you would infer an otherwise standard system. Perhaps I should have spelled that out.
The reason for the 3♠ raise is that the hand has great playing strength, and I want to differentiate it from a minimum or near minimum opener.
Posted 2014-February-17, 00:18
Posted 2014-February-17, 00:45
I would like to make a move, but I have a bad feeling that we are off a trump trick and the Ace of Diamonds. And I'm not just saying that because it's posted here. Even if we do have control of all suits, we might not have enough transportation to cash all of our tricks. Imagine a 5-1-x-y [or heaven forbid, a 5-0-4-4 or 5-0-(5-3) or even 4-1-4-4].
However, I will put my two cents in on the cuebidding. I think whoever is going to be dummy should only cuebid 1st round or guaranteed 2nd round controls (i.e. x or KQ). I have had a few situations where a slam goes down because predictably dummy's Kx was finesse-able and Declarer had 2-3 small.
"Learn from the mistakes of others. You won't live long enough to make them all yourself."
"One advantage of bad bidding is that you get practice at playing atrocious contracts."
-Alfred Sheinwold