mike777, on 2025-February-23, 17:16, said:
Lost in translation..smile
Something certainly was lost, despite the common language
mike777, on 2025-February-23, 17:16, said:
It appears what you call tournaments we call local club games.
Tournaments are completely separate things, special events often held at some hotel, someplace..
Oxford Dictionary said:
Tournament: (in a sport or game) a series of contests between a number of competitors, competing for an overall prize.
We call special events tournaments too, whether held in a hotel or other external venue or in the club that is organizing. But we also call tournament any competitive game organized under RA rules, including local instances of national simultaneous tournaments, or competitive games hosted in our club but open to people from other clubs.
We call it a local club game when it is not the above (basically for training purposes and open only to members).
mike777, on 2025-February-23, 17:16, said:
Here everyone is a guest, even if you played at same club for 59'years, everyone welcome, everyone.
Here everyone is welcome, both members and guests.
Cambridge Dictionary said:
Guest: someone who comes to visit you
mike777, on 2025-February-23, 17:16, said:
No preregister..just show at last second, no problem..
Well that's what we used to do too, until I started directing

And the last second was sometimes 10 or even 20 minutes late, people being what they are...
And sitouts were more frequent...
As were delays while movements and boards were hastily reallocated...
As were the related screwups...
As was not having any idea what time it would finish, often just as well.
YMMV, but I think none of our players would go back to last minute now.
I can imagine that if yours is not the only game in town and the club is for profit then the manager might see things differently (although pre-registration is becoming the way of all things in life, even public transport around here).
mike777, on 2025-February-23, 17:16, said:
We are asleep at 9 pm local time smile
Games here start at 11:30am in the morning
Wow, now that is a difference

Nobody has anything more important to do in the morning?
Most of our players are more or less retired, but all have some activity or pastime that would take priority over bridge in the morning and being Italians, they take lunch seriously.
Popular start times are 4pm or 9pm (sometimes 6pm in the South, with dinner to follow).