Just played in an 8 board MP robot tourney in which I decided at the outset to bid 1N where available at the first opportunity on every hand, and then try to recover as best as possible.
Somewhat surreally I actually got to open 1N on the first 7 hands. On hand 8 spoilsport West pre-empted in first seat.
Managed to scrape by with just shy of 60% (largely thanks to the first two hands, GIB is such a sap sometimes). But then it was not a large field.
Anyhoo, the interesting hand was hand 6:
East resisted the temptation to double. He has seen me open 1N on a void before now.
As for the bidding, I learned my lesson from a previous thread here, that I had to bid 3H to show a Diamond fit and deny a Spade fit.
At this point we were on course to find a reasonable 5♦ (I was never stopping in 3N, although perhaps I should have done, not least due to the scoring)
But then it all started to unravel, starting with 3♠ by North. Not that the bid had a huge influence on anything, but he certainly does NOT have "twice rebiddable Spades".
Once again my problem was how to RCKB in Diamonds - the only suit bid and supported. 4N would have been RKCB in Spades, and I did not want to hear about the ♠K or ♠Q.
4♦ would have been a cue bid. Agreeing what as trumps, it didnt say.
In real life I think that with the North cards I would have rebid 3N over 2♠.