aguahombre, on 2013-September-21, 20:15, said:
Even if we use SEWog and make the NOS keep their score, a split would be based on the rest of the field being damaged.
My point is: we don't have to first determine there was damage and then consider L23. We can determine from L23 the damage, and then apply it.
Damage is defined as the difference between the score the NOS obtained at the table and the score they would have obtained had there been no infraction. So I disagree with your first paragraph.
If you split the score because of a SEWoG, you give the NOS the adjusted score they would have received without the SEWoG less the amount of damage they inflicted on themselves. It has nothing to do with the rest of the field.
You first determine if this is one of the rare cases where Law 23 applies at all. If it does (the offender "could well have known" etc.) "the Director awards an adjusted score if he considers the offending side has gained an advantage through the irregularity". The amount of damage, and hence the actual adjusted score, is determined in accordance with Law 12.