wank, on 2013-May-20, 07:48, said:
1h-1s-2s would be more like it. with 3 card support and an unbalanced minimum it's normally better to raise, otherwise you might lose the spade fit - 1h-1s-2d-2h-2s shows this shape but 15+ points. this is normal among real advanced players. be warned that 95% of people you'll play with on bbo will expect a 4th spade though for the direct raise.
The East hand is the right shape for a 2
♠ bid, but I would not do it on 3 small spades. I would rebid 2
By the way, the title to this thread discusses light opening, etc. The East hand is by no means a light opening. This hand would be opened 1
♥ by someone playing Goren standard in the 1950s - 11 HCP (and a pretty good 11 at that) plus 2 points for the singleton club.