Posted 2013-April-11, 07:19
We are certainly playing in spades. The question is 3 or 4, as fromage points out, since partner should not have a gigantic hand for his 2S call. And if he does, we'll hear about it later anyway.
In favor of 3S:
* Our club J is overvalued at 1 HCP
* Two more of our 9 points are in hearts, their suit.
* Lefty has the heart cards sitting behind us.
* Remember that we expect partner to have 12-15, we have 9, and LHO has at most around 9. That means we expect righty has about 5-10. Since righty didn't raise, he is likely to have 1 or 2 hearts. If he only has 1, we might be facing the ace of hearts and a ruff for 2 quick losers.
In favor of 4S:
* We have 4 trumps
* We have shortness in a side suit (clubs)
* We have strong intermediate hearts (so even if they cash the ace and give a heart ruff, that might be promoting winners for us in the heart suit).
* If LHO's cards are in hearts, he probably doesn't have the king of diamonds, and that makes our AQ look really good (either it's over RHO's king or it combines with partner's K).
* In the unlikely event that LHO's high cards are not in hearts, partner is likely to have those missing heart high cards, which strengthens our holding in the suit.
* Partner will have an easier time playing the hand than usual. If the opponents can't beat us right away, partner will have really good information about the opponents' shape and their high cards, since we've seen LHO bid 2H! [And especially since we expect the lead to be a heart, we can expect to get a lot of info about which high cards are where at trick 1!]
Also, there may be a consideration if you are playing matchpoints or IMPs. At IMPs, I think you have to bid 4S; it pays to bid games more aggressively, especially vulnerable! At MPs, you only want to be in game if it's making more than 50% of the time. I think this is really close. I'd bid 4S, but I wouldn't object if partner "took the low road" and only bid 3.
Hope this is helpful.
"I think maybe so and so was caught cheating but maybe I don't have the names right". Sure, and I think maybe your mother .... Oh yeah, that was someone else maybe. -- kenberg
"...we live off being battle-scarred veterans who manage to hate our opponents slightly more than we hate each other. -- Hamman, re: Wolff