1m-1M-?? when to rebid 2m or 3m How strong is the dividing line?
Posted 2013-January-24, 05:05
For instance if you vote for "average 16 count" it means that with the majority of the "bad 16 counts" you'd bid just 2m (and likewise with good 15 and worse) but with the majority of average 16 counts you'd bid 3m (and likewise with good 16 and better). It would still be correct to vote that way if there were a minority of the "good 15 counts" that would get a 3m and/or a minority of bad 17 only bid 2m. I hope that isn't too confusing of a poll and explanation.
Posted 2013-January-24, 12:34
Posted 2013-January-24, 12:58

Posted 2013-January-24, 13:01
JLOGIC, on 2013-January-24, 12:58, said:

No rule is absolute obv. But if the resulting 10-count is good enough to open 1m, I would at least consider 3m. I suspect that my baseline for opening 1m is higher than yours.
Posted 2013-January-24, 18:20
Phil, on 2013-January-24, 13:11, said:
Why? A longer suit may improve the hand from, say, bad to average, or may have no effect. I don't see that it's a big deal.
The way this was described in the OP was basically a hand where rebidding your suit at some level was the main option you would consider.
Posted 2013-January-24, 19:22
Posted 2013-January-25, 05:31
PhilKing, on 2013-January-24, 19:35, said:
The trouble is just that the OP seems to think that a "good 13" is worse than a "bad 14", and I would never rebid 3m with a bad 14.
Personally, I think trying to put a point number on this decision is just futile.
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2013-January-25, 07:37
Posted 2013-January-25, 08:40
mgoetze, on 2013-January-25, 05:31, said:
Personally, I think trying to put a point number on this decision is just futile.
It would probably be better to give an example hand and ask how much it would have to improve (as in "change ♦9 to the T/J/Q/K/A") for the hand to be worth a 3m rebid.
It doesn't take too much fantasy to figure out that the idea is that there are two strengths between the average 15 and the average 16. Then again, having a 6-card suit already makes the hand better than an average (say) 15-count, so we might interpret the options slightly different.
Posted 2013-January-27, 08:18
TylerE, on 2013-January-25, 12:57, said:
That's it.
Ax, xx, xxx, AKQ109x will jump to 3m
AK, Ax, AQx, Jxxxxx will jump to 2NT
Ax, Ax, Axx, QJ5432 will rebid smootly 2m
♠♥♠ BAD bidding may be succesful due to excellent play, but not vice versa. ♦♣♦
Teaching in the BIL TUE 8:00am CET.
Lessons available. For INFO look here: Play bridge with Al
Posted 2013-January-31, 19:32
I answered good 15 since I take that to mean a 15 that's as good as a normal 16.
- billw55
Posted 2013-February-01, 08:19
billw55, on 2013-January-31, 17:34, said:
p - 1♦ - p - 1♥
With partner's heart bid, I judged it was good enough for 3♦. Agree? Or not?
This is certainly a borderline hand IMHO. I would bid 3♦ with 3-1 in the blacks but only 2♦ as is, but perhaps I overrate that aspect. I do agree that the holding in partner's suit is an important consideration.
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2013-February-01, 21:20