After the deal West asks South what she held, because she didn't have any ♥s. Apparently NS play 1NT Comic, meaning that it's either 15-17 balanced or any 8 card suit. This was also written on the CC, but North forgot to alert 1NT. West claims he was damaged and would've bid 4♥ if he had all the information. North claims that they would defend 5♦ in that case, because he realized it was an 8 card suit when South pulled the penalty Dbl (2nd Dbl) and the vulnerability was favorable. South claims she could've made 5♦.
What's your ruling?
If it matters, these are the frequencies, this score not included:
550 3
130 1
110 1
100 3
-50 3
-100 5
-140 1
-300 1
-620 4
Edit 1: for those who don't want to see the full play of the hand, the result was 4♦= after various blunders by both declarer and defenders.
Edit 2: DD EW can only make 3♥. DD NS can only make 4♦.