I had:
Partner says that I should have bid 3NT to "show the heart stopper". I countered that my obligation to respond to the forcing bid was relieved by the overcall (not totally sold on that conclusion, but was not sure how to indicate weakness (and that a bid of either 3NT or 4♦ would have shown more strength than my 3 HCP)). Discussion afterwards with other pairs indicated that some had agreements that a 2♣ opening obligates the partnership to game regardless of interference, but that obligation is shared by both partners. Not sure I am sold on that approach either - perhaps it is OK if amended to get to game *or* double opponents in a contract where the penalty is at least as big as bidding the game would have netted?
- What should I have bid over 3♥? If 3NT was correct, how does partner continue if that contract is wrong for her hand shape (i.e. did not have balanced 22-24 or 25-27)?
- If Pass was my correct bid, what should my partner have done with her balanced 22 count (3-3-3-4) with a heart stopper - X (not clear if that is penalties or takeout) or 3NT?
- Is there a good recommended novice/beginner set of tools for handling this general type of interference?
Dave in San Diego