1D:1S, 2C:2H Rebid on 1453
Posted 2012-March-12, 23:07
Posted 2012-March-12, 23:19
Posted 2012-March-13, 00:18
Posted 2012-March-13, 01:00
MickyB, on 2012-March-12, 23:07, said:
2♠ = doubleton spade
3♠ = three spades
With 1453 rebid 3♥ or 2NT, depending on suit quality.
Posted 2012-March-13, 02:49
George Carlin
Posted 2012-March-13, 02:53
gwnn, on 2012-March-13, 02:49, said:
England is 10 years behind on bidding theory imo

Posted 2012-March-13, 07:36
the hog, on 2012-March-12, 23:19, said:
gwnn, on 2012-March-13, 02:49, said:
Sorry, maybe I am also 10 years back in bidding theory.
So please enlighten me:
I would rebid 1NT if my hand fell into the agreed HCP range for rebidding 1NT (e.g. 12-14).
But what alternative suggests itself instead of 2C, if the hand is short of reversing values but falls into the range for opening 1NT? (e.g. 15-17)
Rainer Herrmann
Posted 2012-March-13, 07:51
Here you get it wrong - there shouldn't be such hand. Ok, maybe some borderline 15hcp could qualify and maybe with some borderline 15 bidding 2C is the most +EV thing to do but with 16+ (or nice 15) you just reverse, wtp ?
Posted 2012-March-13, 08:04
rhm, on 2012-March-13, 07:36, said:
So please enlighten me:
I would rebid 1NT if my hand fell into the agreed HCP range for rebidding 1NT (e.g. 12-14).
But what alternative suggests itself instead of 2C, if the hand is short of reversing values but falls into the range for opening 1NT? (e.g. 15-17)
Rainer Herrmann
Just to clarify my response, I wasn't judging the method itself (I think it is reasonable on some hands, but I have never done it myself yet). I was just saying that in my opinion it isn't really trendy to rebid 2♣ and was curious whether I'm wrong about this - MickyB plays on much higher levels than I do, I'm curious why he finds it is trendy. But since you asked, the alternatives are either a heavy 1NT, a rebid of 2♦ on a 5-card suit or a light 2♥ reverse.
Also I think some people rebid 2♣ automatically even on hands where you and I both rebid 1NT and they never rebid 1NT on a singleton. I personally think that is not a good idea, whether or not it is trendy.
George Carlin
Posted 2012-March-13, 09:04
I've never seen anyone English rebid 2♣ other than myself or my partners so ten years is a conservative estimate IMO
Posted 2012-March-13, 09:51
MickyB, on 2012-March-13, 09:04, said:
I've never seen anyone English rebid 2♣ other than myself or my partners so ten years is a conservative estimate IMO
My impression is that in America people have moved from rebidding 2♣ to rebidding 1NT, and in England people have moved from rebidding 2♦ to rebidding 1NT. Perhaps you and your friends are trend-setters rather than merely being trendy?
Posted 2012-March-13, 10:11
Posted 2012-March-13, 11:58
I dont see the downside of bidding
If p is interested in hearts they can bid 3h.
P will know from the original 2c rebid followed
by 2n that you have a max of 2s and are a huge
favorite to be short in spades.
Posted 2012-March-13, 12:29
-P.J. Painter.
Posted 2012-March-13, 14:21
MickyB, on 2012-March-13, 09:04, said:
I've never seen anyone English rebid 2♣ other than myself or my partners so ten years is a conservative estimate IMO
I could be wrong, but in the MSCs when I started playing, 2C was the normal bid with 1453, and then this moved to 1N. And before that it was probably 2D. I remember a thread a long time ago where I argued for 2C>2D with some good players (maybe gnasher?). I am still a 1N bidder if I am in range, but I agree playing reverse flannery one should bid 2C. I am not sure how popular reverse flannery is, I did not know it had become more than a fringe thing to play.
Posted 2012-March-13, 14:48
JLOGIC, on 2012-March-13, 14:21, said:
Yes, I remember it too. Your arguments must have been quite persuasive, because I've stopped rebidding 2♦ on those hands.
Posted 2012-March-13, 17:04
(sorry MickyB, this still doesn't really address your question at all!)
George Carlin
Posted 2012-March-13, 17:28
JLOGIC, on 2012-March-13, 00:18, said:
How about this?
If we routinely rebid 2S on 2254, then 2NT would promise three hearts [1444, 1435, 1345 and 0454 being the relevant shapes - although one of these should probably still bid 3H over 2H]. Now, responder can bid
as natural 5-4. With 5-5, he can insist on playing in hearts.
Posted 2012-March-13, 17:50
gwnn, on 2012-March-13, 17:04, said:
But it does tell us something about how MickyB's views have changed over the years:
Posted 2012-March-13, 19:16
MickyB, on 2012-March-12, 23:07, said:
over 2h fsf I would bid 3h
I would tend to rebid 1nt with 11-13 but rebid 2c with 14+. So with 1453 and roughly 14-16 I would rebid 2c. I suppose there may even be a few rare hands where I might rebid 2d with solid d.
Playing reverse flannery may help on a few hands.
I would tend to open a nt with 14-16 and my stiff spade was A,K, or Q.
With stronger I can reverse.
so 1453.....1d and rebid 2c becomes rather limited and rarer.