dickiegera, on 2012-March-11, 16:30, said:
What is a bid of 2♦ here?
Without specific agreement otherwise I'd assume Michaels showing both majors. If playing weak/strong but not intermediate, then I think this hand just about scrapes into the strong category in the balancing seat (though in the direct seat would bid 1
♠ hoping to show the
♥ later).
2NT would be 18-20 balanced not Unusual, because it's more useful to have this bid for that. So I guess 2
♦ could be 2 places to play, not necessarily both majors...
dickiegera, on 2012-March-11, 16:30, said:
Does it make a difference if you play 12 way michaels [ top & bottom cue bids]
Is this where when both opps have bid, cue bids show 6-4 and 4-6? If so, don't see how it makes a difference as both opps haven't bid.