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♠Axx ♥void ♦K7642 ♣AT753
1♦ - pass - 2♣ - 2♥;
4♥ - 4♠* - pass - pass;
5♣ - pass - 6♣ - 6♥
pass - pass - 6N - pass
4♠ is a fit bid.
Move over 6N?
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BBF - Cayne 2/16/12 #2
Posted 2012-February-17, 11:13
It is tough to see how we could have 12 tricks in 6N and not 13 in 7♣.
The diamond suit has to come home to make 12 tricks in notrump, and if we have to concede a diamond trick, we need to be able to stop whichever major they lead twice.
If we don't have to concede a diamond trick, then surely he has 2 hearts to ruff in my hand and now we have 13 tops.
The alternative is to assume both the spade K and at least AQ in hearts and either the diamond A (not Ax) or the QJ (not QJ tight) as well as good clubs.
Plus in clubs we may be able to avoid a diamond loser on a 4-1 break if he holds AQx or AJx 9the latter requires an unlikely finesse, given the fit 4♠)
I bid 7♣
The diamond suit has to come home to make 12 tricks in notrump, and if we have to concede a diamond trick, we need to be able to stop whichever major they lead twice.
If we don't have to concede a diamond trick, then surely he has 2 hearts to ruff in my hand and now we have 13 tops.
The alternative is to assume both the spade K and at least AQ in hearts and either the diamond A (not Ax) or the QJ (not QJ tight) as well as good clubs.
Plus in clubs we may be able to avoid a diamond loser on a 4-1 break if he holds AQx or AJx 9the latter requires an unlikely finesse, given the fit 4♠)
I bid 7♣
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari
Posted 2012-February-22, 04:21
This one was the most interesting hand of the set, but with so many decisions I didnīt see how to post it as a problem
I was a bit scared of biddign 4♠ and committing to the 5 level with:
Remember Wank is a passed hand, he might be stretching a bit just to ask for a heart lead. But I knew that a heart lead couldnīt be very productive so I wanted to switch his gears towards a spade one.
I was a bit scared of biddign 4♠ and committing to the 5 level with:
Remember Wank is a passed hand, he might be stretching a bit just to ask for a heart lead. But I knew that a heart lead couldnīt be very productive so I wanted to switch his gears towards a spade one.
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