VuBridge* has re-written its software so that it will run (play) from within your web browser.
In the final stage, I need a handful of beta-testers to try it and report bugs etc...
If you are keen to spend one or two hours on it, please send me an email: didier@vubridge.com telling me "who" you are on a bridge point of view, what computer you use (operating system) and what your favorite browser is.
You do not need no IT skills, what I want is feedback from keen bridge players!
You'll receive a link to test-drive the new version.
This is of course free of any commitment and accepted beta-testers will receive a full application for 6 month - free of charges - once the product is launched.
Thanks in advance,
*Vu-Bridge is the modern, internet based Autobridge revival.
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New software looking for beta testers VuBridge prepares its new online player
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