It is all about cardplay....declarer and defence. I didn't read much of the introductory chapter or two because I wanted to get to the good stuff.
And there is a LOT of very good stuff here. Some of the more advanced topics touch on plays I had some basic familiarity with, but his exposition of the reasoning and his use of examples, usually from actual play, is first rate and I hope that I will now be better placed to actually recognize these situations at the table.
Other topics are either new to me or go into far greater depth than I had previously experienced. Thus I am familiar with most forms of the intrafinesse, but he gives suggestions on how defenders should counter these plays...his 'intrapop' play was an eye-opener.
I also felt that I knew most of the basic card combinations, but I would never have thought of the correct line to maximize one's chances for 3 tricks from A2 opposite J9876. I won't post it here....can you work it out?
And I would not have played A2 opposite K10876x in the optimum manner to win 5 tricks.
This is the best book on card play I have read since Watson's classic (which I read more than 30 years ago and which is still invaluable for basic card play).....and by far the best book on advanced technique I have seen. Adventures in Card Play was more esoteric, so if you want weird and wonderful ideas, go there....but if you want real life situations and a vastly expanded understanding of technique that you can apply every day, buy The Rodwell Files.
Don't go looking for quizzes.....I don't think there are any, so it's not like the Martens books (which are superb)...but it is chock full of well written, well illustrated ideas.
I think this is a book that can be enjoyed by a very wide audience. It isn't for beginners, but an eager intermediate would find a lot of useful material here, while advanced and all but the very best real life experts will learn a great deal as well. And for the intermediate or advanced....this is a book that they can re-read as they gain more experience and benefit still more.
I got mine through Amazon, and I will have read it several times by the end of the summer