Posted 2010-December-13, 11:05
Close to fluffy's, but I think he has an unnecessary step:
1♠ 2♣
2♥ 3♥
4♣ 4N
The only judgment issue is the choice of 4♣ as the cue. I am a strong believer that the first cue in partner's suit is always strength-based, not length-based. I would never make my first cue on a stiff or void in partner's suit, and this hand is a classic example of why.
If we allow West to draw the inference that the club cue denies the spade A, as I think it has to, then why waste time with a meaningless 4♦ cue? The only question we have at the point of 4♣, is whether partner holds the heart Q....I mean we'd like to know if he has 5 hearts or the J as well, but we can't find out anyway....the heart Q makes us at least 68% for the haul out keycard.
BTW, the idea of responding 2♥ to 1♠ makes me feel quite ill.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari