ArcLight, on Dec 4 2008, 03:36 PM, said:
>On a personal level, I got sick and tired of beating my head against a brick wall.
>Do you want to see all the crap that your husband contributed to the process? (it sure doesn't make him look good)
One can always count on Richard to make a well thought out response, that is sure to sway peoples minds.

Jan's posting touched on two different themes:
Theme 1: The posting could be viewed as some kind of back communiqué from the Conventions Committee indicating that they are willing to consider licensing new defenses. More specifically, that they might agree to license some defense to MOSCITO style transfer openings.
If this were the primary intention, I consider this to be great news.
I would strongly prefer to see the ACBL use a more official and transparent manner to achieve the same end and I question whether any of the gatekeepers in Memphis has been made aware of this change in policy. But so be it...
Perhaps someone would like to try a test case and submit a suggested defense to some method and see what comes back.
Theme 2:: Is best described by the following quote from Jan
I know a lot of you think that the nefarious convention approval committee has insidiously refused to approve a defense to transfer openings, but actually, no defense has been submitted, at least recently
I could have potentially been more polite and indicated that Jan was engaging in historical revisionism. However, I tend to prefer to cut to the chase and lay all the cards out on the table. (It saves a lot of time)
The Conventions Committee wasted enormous amounts of my time playing passive aggressive little games. They never had the balls to openly admit that they would never approve any defense. Instead, they preferred to create ever more ridiculous hoops for me to jump through while privately agreeing that they were never going to approve any defense.
I want to point to another direct quote from Jan
Now that the committee has the option of approving something for a stated number of boards, I would be very surprised if they wouldn't approve a reasonable defense to transfer openings, at least for 6+ boards or something like that.
To me, this verges on a tacit admission that the Conventions Committee was never going to approve any kind of a defense back in the bad old days when there was no option to differentiate between 2 board pair events that used the Midchart and 7+ board Team events that use the Midchart.
Now that this has been rectified, the Conventions Committee might deign to approve a defense.
This whole process would have gone a lot smoother if the Conventions Committee had acted in a open and honest manner.
What really pissed me off throughout this process was the complete disconnect between the private discussions that was going on amongst the Conventions Committee and what was communicated to me. If Meckstroth hadn't accidentially cc:ed me on some of the private emails I wouldn't have ever known what was actually going on.
More specifically, I wouldn't have known that Chip was making ever more ridiculous requests (presumably) hoping that I'd get bored and give up. Yes, I eventually gave up (on the whole stinking ACBL I might add). But not before he really pissed me off...
So please excuse me if I take things a bit personally when foks try to whitewash this topic.