McBruce, on Jul 27 2006, 12:17 AM, said:
hrothgar: "One additional point: Maybe I read too much Mollo, however, my immediate suspicion was that North was thinking of bidding slam decided to psyche 2♣ in order to deter the lead. North / South could have easily avoid an adjusted score if they had offered this defense...
I'm always very uncomfortable when a score adjustment hinges on the verbiage that the offending side uses to justify their actions."
You're suggesting that if the explanation for 2♣ given by N-S seems to be incriminating, a TD should consider that perhaps they have a better excuse? This attitude encourages players to respond to any TD query with "it was a psyche" in order to escape trouble. I don't think we should be encouraging lying to the TD at all.
Let us assume the following hypothetical:
Two North-South pairs are dealt the hand in question. Both pairs play an identical system in which a 2
♦ response to a 1
♥ opening promises 5+ Diamonds. Both pairs start with a 2
♣ response (not alerted). Both pairs produce an identical auction to 6N, which makes when West fails to find a club lead.
When the director gets called, Pair 1 tells the truth and states that 2
♣ is the systemic bid with the hand in question. The director rules that there was a failure to alert resulting in damage and adjusts the score to 6N -1.
Pair 2 lies and states that the 2
♣ bid was a psyche which was intended to deter a club lead. The director rules that the result stands.
I claim that implementing this type of system creates an incentive for players to behave as pair 2 did and lie to the director. Furthermore, I would argue that implementing a regulatory system when creates incentives for players to lie is going to create problems.
In many ways, this feels similar to the whole sportsman-like dumping arguments. I have always believed that there are two reasonable "solutions" to dumping
1. Design the conditions of contest such that they do not incentivize dumping
2. Decide that dumping is not an infraction
The traditional remedy (stating that dumping is illegal/unethical and yet designing conditions of contest which permit dumping and then trying to engage in elaborate mind reading exercises) has always seemed problematic