paulg, on 2017-February-11, 10:25, said:
This is an easy 4♦ although I doubt many Acol players at my club would bid it, so if it's a poll you'd need to consider the class of player.
3♦ should show shortage with club fit and hands with solid hearts and slam interest rebid 3♥, so 4♦ is left to show a diamond void and is the perfect description of this hand. It also gives partner an easy 4♥ cue bid with the ♥K which would be good to hear.
Couldn't South have been dealt A AKQxxx KQxxxx --? South must jump soon to show strength, and the 2H strong jump shift immediately
is best works best for me. Clearly with my example hand, South needs to be able to bid 3D to show Ds. Some partnerships may agree that a later jump (like 4D here), when no suit has been agreed yet, is a good 2nd suit. There is little clarity in South's 3D or a jump to 4D unless that specific auction has been discussed and agreed to before.
With the actual South hand, I like the 2H SJS, but then South must clarify good C support by bidding 3C at this point.